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Sitting down at The Happy Fox

Sitting down at The Happy Fox

The Happy Fox prides themselves on creating experiences. And that is truly what you will get when you walk through the doors in the Warilla café. From the modern furniture, to the giant fox murals across the walls, you won’t want to step back out.

The luxe menu includes options such as raspberry cheesecake pancakes and chicken & camembert sandwiches. Your tastebuds will be spoilt for choice!

Since opening The Happy Fox, Brad and Renee have gone on to open another two eateries within the Shellharbour region. The Perch Bar, wine and cocktail bar, as well as The Sunken Spud, modern take on the classic fish & chip eatery. You will find them both within Shellharbour Village, only a 15-minute drive from The Happy Fox.

What made you open your business, Renee?
“My partner Brad had over twelve years’ experience as a chef and together with our love for coffee and food, it made sense to go out on our own. We thought Warilla was the perfect place to open our café.”

How many years have you been operating [at The Happy Fox] so far?
“Four and a half years”

How did you hear about Steel City Beverage Company?
“I knew Laz through mutual friends and always bumped into him around other cafes. He showed us his range and pricing, and it was exactly what we were looking for. Steel City Beverages are the easiest company to work with and always deliver on time and have never let us down. I feel there is no pressure to buy something we don’t really need” 

Renee’s favourite Steel City Beverage drink is the Jim, Jimmy & Da Juice Banana Mango Smoothie. Find it online here: steelcitybevco.com.au/collections/jim-jimmy-da-juice

Thank you to Renee, Brad and all the Team at The Happy Fox.

You can find The Happy Fox open from 6:30am 7 days a week at 17 George Street, Warilla 2528

Socials: facebook.com/thehappy.foxcafe